The Lost in New Haven project


TOUR LOST IN NEW HAVEN : An Adventure Into The Elm City’s Cabinet Of Curiosities eventbrite tour here


History found at Lost in New Haven

“This museum presents a graphic documentary history of New Haven from its settlement in 1638 to the present day with artifacts and relics from the past and present. Every piece in the collection tells some story of the social, cultural, political and economic history of New Haven. So much information and inspiration is provided here to learn about our city. Great presentation by museum creator Robert Greenberg!” said Gibson after the tour. —- Robert Gibson, a retired New Haven history teacher and librarian
— New Haven Independent

Read the New Haven Independent Article History Found At Lost In New Haven

Matt Feiner from Devils Gear inspects an authentic Bone Shaker

Matt Feiner from Devils Gear inspects an authentic Bone Shaker

Bitsie Clark and Laura Clarke view New Haven badges

Bitsie Clark and Laura Clarke view New Haven badges


Lost and found

To experience Lost in New Haven is to both lose and gain track of time. You could browse among the four to five thousand items for one or two hours and think only half an hour had passed, all the while gaining an appreciation for decades and centuries past.
— Dan Mims, Daily Nutmeg

Read the Daily Nutmeg Article Lost and Found

Leigh Busby I Love New Haven Photos.jpeg

“lost in new haven” (cwos) photos by Leigh Busby for I love new haven

View the Lost in New Haven photos by Leigh Busby for I Love New Haven



5,000 Curiosities on the hunt for a new home

“Artisans made these things,” Greenberg said on a tour of the space. “Every one of these artifacts, every one of these objects, really is a piece of art.”
— Lucy Gellman Photos.

Read the Arts Paper Article 5,000 Curiosities On The Hunt For A New Home

1.New Haven Register  Lost in New Haven needs our help.jpg

Lost in new haven needs our help

Read the New Haven Register Article by Randall Beach: Lost in New Haven Needs Our Help:

Click through slide show of text below.


Watch the WTNH News 8 Interview at Lost in New Haven